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About FM 150

FM 150 Corridor Study

DHCS Involvement

The Driftwood Historical Conservation Society was created as a direct result of the FM 150 West Corridor Study.  Various members of the DHCS served on the Corridor Study Citizen Advisory Panel and many members participated in Corridor Study meetings.  The DHCS and its committees worked closely with the Corridor Study team to provide input concerning the opinions of the Driftwood community.  The DHCS is proud to have been a part of this study and wish to thank the Corridor Study Team and County Commissioners for working together to meet community concerns and Hays County needs.

FM 150 Character Plan: Final Report

From the Project Team:


After 3 years of studying the FM 150 corridor west of Arroyo Ranch to RM 12, working closely with the community, and evaluating potential options, the Hays County Commissioners Court accepted the FM 150 Character Plan: Final Report and Master Plan on October 10, 2017. The full report with appendices is available on the project webpage and can be downloaded here: Also available on the website is the FM 150 West Character Plan: Corridor Features and Themes Report that was produced at the end of Phase 1 in 2016. We have also made printed copies available at the Hays County Precinct 3 office (200 Stillwater Road in Wimberley), and at Commissioner Whisenant’s office (195 Roger Hanks Parkway in Dripping Springs) for public viewing.


Hays County and the FM 150 project team wish to express their gratitude to the Citizens Advisory Panel, residents and business owners of Hays County for your participation in this process. We have enjoyed meeting with everyone and hearing your input on this study. Your feedback has been instrumental in developing the Character Master Plan, which will guide the County and other local agencies in future decisions regarding the FM 150 corridor west of Arroyo Ranch to RM 12.


What’s Next

Now that the FM 150 Character Plan: Final Report and Master Plan is complete, the County will move forward with some short-term safety projects. The first two projects to move into the full design phase are the intersection improvements at FM 3237 and at RM 12. The County will be posting information about these and other projects that are elements of the County’s 2016 Road Bond Program in the near future. 


FM 150 Designated Wm B Travis Trail

In 1835 William B. Travis purchased a league of land from the Mexican Government. Travis was granted this purchase under Empresario Benjamin Rush “Ben” Milam’s effort to colonize central Texas land which included that which is now identified as being in Hays County. FM 150 West dissects this (4,428 acres) league of land approximately one mile south of Driftwood.

Travis died as a hero in 1836 in the battle of the Alamo. The property was left to his 7 year old son, Charles Edward and 5 year old daughter, Susan Isabella. Ben Milam was killed in the siege of Bexar in 1835, also as an “indomitable” Texas hero.   

A local effort successfully designated FM 150 West as The William B. Travis Trail to honor this great hero who died in the battle of the Alamo.

Timeline of Events

  • March 27, 2019 - DHCS Members Testify Before Senate Transportation Committee Kate Johnson Remarks to Senate Transportation Committee supporting SB 1221, [More Info]

  •  May 23, 2019 - both the Texas House of Representatives and Texas Senate unanimously passed Senate Bill 1221 designating FM 150 West between the intersections of RR 12 and RR 3237 as the William B. Travis Heritage Trail.  Read the letter of Appreciation from the DHCS Board.

  • September 4, 2019 - the Driftwood/Onion Creek Valley community celebrated the designation of the Section of RM 150 W between the intersections of RR 12 and RR 3237, the William B. Travis Heritage Trail at the Hays City Store and Icehouse in Hays City Texas. [More Info]

FM 150 Character Plan

What is the Plan?

 Hays County is currently working to develop a Character Plan for FM  150 from Arroyo Ranch Road outside Kyle to RM 12 in Dripping Springs,  and a major component of this project is working with the local  communities, residents, and public that cherish this special area as  much as we do. 


The County is using the FM 150 West Character  Plan as an opportunity to plan ahead for the anticipated growth and  related transportation needs. This is a unique approach as so often  agencies wait until an improvement project is needed and then start  planning, leaving limited opportunities to think outside the box and  typically just expanding from the current footprint of the existing  roads.

DHCS Involvement

Driftwood community members have been involved in the project since 2015, with several board members serving on the Citizens' Advisory Panel.

More Information

Link to the FM 150 Character Plan website for further information and a history of the DHCS involvement in the project

Area Definition Signs

Seven 4' x 5' signs were designed and produced, with the first four being placed at Driftwood Core entry points.  These signs are being placed on private property with permission of the respective landowners.  


This level of participation illustrates the community's desire to preserve our dark skies and rural feel ("Starry Nights and Natural Sights").  


Having accomplished these two goals (save sign placements), the committee is turning its focus to historical designations.  

We love Driftwood’s natural beauty and charm.  While we realize growth will occur we want to be the best stewards of this beautiful land. 

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Driftwood Historical Conservation Society

PO Box 314, Driftwood, TX 78619, USA

Copyright © 2025 Driftwood Historical Conservation Society - All Rights Reserved.

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