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Letter of Appreciation


As of May 23, 2019, both the Texas House of Representatives and Texas Senate unanimously passed Senate Bill 1221 designating FM 150 West between the intersections of RR 12 and RR 3237 as the William B. Travis Heritage Trail.

ALL Y’ALL DID IT! And I cannot thank y’all enough for the support you gave, including but not limited to:

The DHCS board for funding the signs along FM 150;

  • All y’all (250+/-) OCV residents and tourists that signed the petitions for the Travis Heritage Trail;

  • Valerie Anderson for all the web assistance with petitions, etc., and putting up with all of my antics;

  • To all the OCV residents and small businesses that came to the State Capitol to show and voice your support to our state representatives;

  • To Senator Campbell and Representative Cyrier and their teams who fought for and protected the William B. Travis through its travels at the state capitol;

  • The local businesses that represented strong support behind the Travis Trail including but not limited to the Hays City Café, Discovery, Vista Brewery, Dan Winters;

  • Gary Keller’s and Kasey Mock’s unflinching support;

  • And all of y’all that always showed the moral support for a hair-brained scheme that some might have initially thought should not be pursued;

  • And thousands of other things that don’t readily come to mind.

To ALL Y’ALL, I state a heart-felt thank y’all!

When 2 old men got together 4-5 years ago and created what would now be known as the DHCS, in the back of our minds was a dream of being a part of a Proactive Driftwood Community-based organization that would preserve the Driftwood Quality of Life for future generations to soak up. It would b a group of people that recognized that they would only be victims if they used life as a spectator’s sport, rather than a participatory sport. Stop right here and go back up and re-read the list of DHCS achievements listed above… Ain’t no victims on that list.

I congratulate y’all for a job very well done! Thank all y’all for everything you did to help manifest the William B. Travis Heritage Trail as the law of the land.

Casey Cutler, DHCS Board 2nd Vice President

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Driftwood Historical Conservation Society

PO Box 314, Driftwood, TX 78619, USA

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